
Each business workflow is unique and so is its marketing requirement. Though marketing strategies need to be on par with business goals, the way of approach and execution solely depends on the customer and how you want to manage them through their lifecycle. Keeping in mind this prerequisite, using personalized videos to build connections with your customer to drive growth, contribute towards sales, brand visibility and customer loyalty becomes paramount.

Learn how Selfanimate GoCAMPAIGN platform can turbo-boost your marketing strategies and connect with your customer across his journey with you.


Prospecting Phase

  • Trigger outbound email campaigns which are interactive and responsive for a better ROI
  • Showcase your capabilities the way you want
  • Exceeds expectations with an appealing and captivating video

Sales Closure

  • Enable the delivery of appropriate brand message to the suitable set of audience which delights customers and improves sales
  • Engage customers and provide the right information resulting in happy and informed audience
  • Improves relevancy and gravitate customers compelling them to come back for more
  • Help in making informed decisions
  • Help earn the edge over competitors

On-boarding Phase

  • A video dedicated to welcome a customer motivates them and improves brand loyalty
  • Help in capturing attention and make it easier to feed information about new products
  • Enables in starting a fruitful association, the right way

Retention Phase

  • Keep sending relevant update helping to re-target customers
  • Maintain an informed customer base with timely content about loyalty programs, rewards and best of discounts available
  • Help with vital information on renewals and upgrades of products (cross sell/ upsell)
  • Help with product/ service activation, service reminders

Individualize your marketing campaigns with dynamic personalized videos. Let's talk on the next steps!

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