Friendship Day – the 7-simplest ways to celebrate the day

Life is a long and arduous journey for most of us. With all its ups and downs, life creates countless turns and twists that in many ways define who you are as a person. You meet many people along the way, but only some stay with you forever, becoming your priceless possession called friends. Some relationships are chosen, many are inherited, and others just happen.

Friendship is one relationship that takes us as we are, free of any judgment. Breaks all barriers that the world poses about us. Friends are the ones we can confide in for anything and everything. They stay with us through thick and thin and the bonding only grows stronger over the years. Count all your merrier moments, and we shall find our friends in all of these. Happy or sad, good or bad, a friend or two is always good to tag along. At times of despair, they are the people who support us. Sharing and caring, they also may go about doing the craziest things which we don’t otherwise do.

Loyal friendships and time with friends are what everyone craves, whatever age we are. Unconditional love, undemanding fun, mutual care, and happy memories as we continue to relive and recreate every day. But in a world where technology and digital media have taken over our lives, friends become separated by lifestyles and preferences, work schedules, physical locations, or sometimes it’s just the lack of quality time available.

They say time spent with friends improves physical and mental health and that friends bring sanity and order to our chaotic world. If that is true, then rejoicing our friends on this 2022 Friendship Day becomes a happy must-to-do task for each of us.

Here are some of the easiest ways to celebrate International Friendship Day this year:

Send a Happy Friendship Day video wish
Surprise a friend by sending them a wonderful video greeting on Friendship Day. the online video maker has curated ready-made video greeting templates that are easy to edit and share on WhatsApp. Or you can make a generic Friendship Day video greeting with your name on it, that can be posted on your social media profiles to celebrate this special day and acknowledge your social friends. Choose from the various options, designs, and content, garnish the template with your notes and images and finish your custom video greeting in just minutes. Connect with your friends using Selfanimate Happy Friendship Day video greetings. Check out the Friendship Day video greeting templates on Selfanimate

Call a friend
Don’t wait for an opportune time to call a friend. It is here and now. Do not defer action by overthinking. All times are good times with close friends. Initiate the call, talk non-stop, tell them you miss hanging out, let them know that you wish to catch up with them soon, and update everything you haven’t discussed lately. This will help you find yourself again and discover the joy of true friendships.

Give a surprise visit to a friend
The best way to celebrate is to meet in person. Visit your friend without an announcement. Surprise him/her with a memento or gift. Create wonderful memories that shall last for the days to come. It is always better to be with people you love, stay along and enjoy the time together heartily, rather than to find reasons for not making time. Time spent with friends is time well spent, you will never get them again. Go for it.

Organize a get-together
Take the lead, plan, and organize an event for a friend’s get-together. As much as you want to spend a memorable time together with friends, they too are yearning for this. Meeting friends and a bit of friendly chatter shall rejuvenate you and relieve stress. Good to go out with friends to a café or restaurant if that is a suggestion from friends. Relive those past years. Make merry playing those old tricks and games. Pamper yourself with great company and fun. You can use a video party invite to invite your friends for the party. Check out the Selfanimate party invitation templates that you can edit and share with friends on WhatsApp.

Repair broken friendships
As individuals, we are bound to differ from one another. We all are born with imperfections. There are times when we get into conflict and in the spur of the moment do undesired acts. Sorry is one word that can heal any wound. Even if one is not at fault, peace is always a better choice than being perfect. Initiate yourself into the dialogue on this Friendship Day with someone who has been lost in contact. This is a God-send day. Bring back those lost smiles with an apology. Repair the friendship and make up for the lost time.

Make new friends
Friends are great assets. They stand proof of your character. Create more such assets. True friends aren’t easy to make. There is a lot that one needs to give and take in genuine friendships. There are no barriers of age, gender, caste, class, or creed. Like-minded from several walks of life may instantaneously become friends. Look out and be open to new friends. Each one can bring more meaning into your life. Why limit oneself when one can have more. Make new friends on this special day by saying ‘hello’.

Express gratitude
Gratitude is an important virtue that we need to nurture. It brings us peace from within. Gratitude can bring a sea change in the way we see the world. We always take our friends for granted all the time. For a change, express gratitude. See how elated the friend would feel when you say a Thank you. Sure, you would agree that your friends genuinely deserve your gratitude for staying with you. Happiness multiplies the more we express gratitude.

Let’s make it big with these small but very important actions on this Friendship Day. Let’s get closer to our friends and let’s find the true meaning of life.

Selfanimate wishes you a Happy International Friendship Day.

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